Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week Three

Arturo was removed from his mother when he was 6 months old. He was placed with a local family who took him in with love and care. Arturo’s mother was granted visitation by the court and has been a part of Arturo’s life, even though the visitations had to be supervised by the Department of Social Services. Arturo’s mother tried hard to provide him with all that she could of her Catholic faith even in the short time that she saw him. She was certain to express to the foster family in her broken English that she really wanted Arturo to be raised Catholic. Still a migrant worker, Arturo’s mother vowed to do all that she could to get Arturo back.

Now, at age 2, Arturo has known only English as a first language, and he regarded his biological mother as a kind stranger. For the most part, Arturo was a relatively healthy baby and had developed into a healthy toddler. Once he was placed in foster care, his parents got his immunizations up to date and took him regularly to his appointments with the pediatrician.

What Arturo’s foster parents found out in the first year and a half that they had him was that he suffered from many, many ear infections. In fact, the doctors were waiting to see how he did during the Winter to decide whether or not to put tubes in his ears. There was a fear that Arturo had some hearing loss; this would explain his relative lack of verbalization at age two. Arturo had only a few “words,” and those were far from clear. In spite of this, Arturo seemed to be “at home” with his foster parents, and they were able to soothe him when he was having difficulty.  

1) What are the major developmental milestones for a 2 year old? What should Arturo be doing physically, cognitively, and emotionally at this point?
2) How are foster families identified? What kind of screening is done to assure that families are suitable to care for children? What is the percentage of children who are in foster care who are eventually reunited with their biological families? What percentage are adopted by the first foster family with whom they live?
3) What kind of services are typically provided for families whose children are removed (if any)? What services are typically provided for foster families (if any)?
4) What kind of therapy are appropriate for Arturo given his hearing loss and relative lack of speech at age two?
5) What else is important for you to know about Arturo’s family at this point? (Hint: Think about all that you don’t currently know about the family that could be helpful for you with regard to demographic information.)


  1. 1. The social and emotional milestones for a 2 year old are showing independence, copying others, getting excited when they are with other children, and showing defiant behavior (‘Important milestones: Your child at two years’, 2011). The language milestones for a 2 year old are pointing to things or pictures when they are named, knowing names of familiar people and body parts, says sentences with 2 or more words, following simple instructions and repeating words overheard in conversations (‘Important milestones: Your child at two years’, 2011). The cognitive milestones for a 2 year old are finding things when hidden, sorting shapes and colors, completing sentences in familiar books, plays make believe games, and building towers (‘Important milestones: Your child at two years’, 2011). The physical milestones of a 2 year old are standing on their tiptoes, kicking a ball, beginning to run, and climbing (Important milestones: Your child at two years’, 2011).

  2. 2. Foster families are volunteers who offer their homes for children to move in and out of. Foster families are recruited by word of mouth referrals from existing foster families, which is the initial screening (‘Foster family agency’, 2012). The process continues with in-depth interviews, fingerprinting, and child abuse index clearances (‘Foster family agency’, 2012). On average, children are in foster care for 2 to 3 years, before either being reunited with their families or adopted (‘Foster care facts’, 2012). Every year, 20,000 teens age out of foster care without being reunited with their biological families (‘Foster care facts’, 2012). The average of children in foster care go through three families before either being adopted or aging out of the system (‘Resources for parents adopting from foster care’, 2010).

  3. 3. Children in foster care can receive mental health services for free or reduced costs (‘Foster/Youth project’, 2012). Foster families receive services such as weekly home visits by social work staff, financial reimbursement, training and education, 24-hour support, counseling, and crisis intervention support services (‘Foster family agency’, 2012).

  4. The first thing Arturo would need us a full developmental speech and language evaluation. To do this, his foster parents would first need to be in contact with a speech and language pathologist. The SLP would evaluate Arturo. This evaluation would tell Arturo’s foster parents exactly what treatment he would need. His ear infections might be due to conductive hearing loss and fluid build up behind his eardrum. Conductive hearing loss can often be corrected by surgery. If things are worse than conductive hearing loss, Arturo might need a hearing aid to help amplify the sounds, or maybe he even needs a cochlear implant. If the evaluation results say that Arturo does not have any hearing loss, he might just need to have regular visits with a SLP to help work on his lack of speaking (‘Hearing loss in children’, 2012).

  5. 5. Biological family
    • Mental health history
    • Criminal history
    • Development of parents
    • Disabilities?
    • Where do they live?
    • Do we know who the father is and where he is?
    • Does his mother have a green card or immigrant status?
    • How often does his mother visit and for how long
    • Does he have any other biological family alive besides his mother?
    • How many other children do they have?
    • Do they care for other foster children?
    • Do they observe any religion?
    • Where are they from?
    •Where do they live?
    • Lower, middle, or upper class?
    • Do they discipline Arturo in the right manner?
    • Is he always looked after by parents or baby sitter, ever looked after by siblings?
    • What kinds of toys does he have?
    • How long are they willing to care for baby Arturo?
    •Is he eating a plethora of foods?
    •Is he allergic to anything?
    • Does he get to play with other children and how often?
    • What level of education do they have?

  6. References:

    Centers for Disease Control. (2011). Important milestones: Your child at 2 years. Retrieved from

    Foster care facts. (2012). Retrieved from

    Foster children/youth project. (2012). Retrieved from

    Foster family agency. (2012). Retrieved from

    Hearing loss in children. (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Resources for parents adopting from foster care. (2012). Retrieved from
