Thursday, June 28, 2012

Final Week

Arturo's life was moving along just as he had hoped. That is, until Blake got sick. The doctors didn't know at first exactly which form of cancer he had, but they knew it had already moved very fast. Blake had gone in for a routine checkup, and his doctor's hunch led to some tests which came back positive for cancer. Additional tests confirmed it as non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. At 61, Blake was very young of heart and of body - he took care of himself and ate well. Still, the disease struck, and it seemed to Arturo like only a few days until he was gone. It was actually 5 months of trips to the hospital for treatment and the agony of watching Blake waste away in front of him. Arturo knew that he would really never get over the loss.

After Blake died, it seemed that Arturo's life gradually fell apart. He stopped directing at the theater, much to the dismay of his friends in the theater community. He stopped sleeping very well, lost much of his appetite and kept more and more to himself - he lived this way for four years. Blake had named him as a beneficiary on his life insurance policy, so Arturo did not have to worry about his finances. He took one trip to Thailand on his own and was able to get along with his signing and his capacity to connect with people.

When Arturo returned from his trip, he seemed to have difficulty catching his breath. He really didn't know what to make of it but became strangely ill -- something between a bad cold and the flu which lasted for months. He couldn't shake it. This was more reason for him to keep to himself.

At 65, Arturo got sicker and sicker. He was admitted to the hospital with a respiratory infection and died a few days later. Arturo hadn't really made any provisions for his own death, and his estate remained undeclared.

1) What happens to large sums of money that have no declared beneficiaries after someone's death?

2) What kind of mental health difficulty might Arturo have been experiencing in the last years of his life?

3) Describe the factors that led Arturo to be able to thrive throughout most of his life given his hearing impairment. What factors in his early development might have contributed to this capacity?

1 comment:

  1. 1. “If you fail to either execute a valid will or place your assets into a trust that names a beneficiary, you will lose control over the distribution of your assets after you die. Although the legal consequences vary somewhat from state to state, most states apply a version of the Uniform Probate Code.” (David Cranes,What Happens When You Died Leaving No Will & No Beneficiary?)

    2. There are several different types of mental health difficulties that Arturo could have been going through in the last years of his life. It is very likely that Arturo had gone into a depression after losing the love of his life, Blake. It is known that losing a spouse is one of the most stressful events a person can go though. This traumatic experience can cause depressive symptoms such as problems. “Mourning spouses complain of problems sleeping, decrease of appetite, dissatisfaction at work, isolation, strained relationships with family, friends and generally poor health.” (LiveStrong) These all seem very close to the symptoms Arturo was experiencing, so he most likely was in a state of depression.

    3. The support that Arturo received from his adopted mother contributed to his successful development with his disability. If he had not been adopted by a family that was willing to use and teach Arturo sign language, communication would have been much more difficult for Arturo. If he had still been with his biological mother, it is unlikely that he would have developed in the same way. The support of Arturo’s pediatrician also helped him reach his highest. She kept his family informed, which helped the foster home and his adoptive family make the best decisions for him.

    Carnes, D. (2011, 07 27). Retrieved from What Happens When You Died Leaving No Will & No Beneficiary? Read more: What Happens When You Died Leaving No Will & No Beneficiary? |
