Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week Nine

Arturo has grown into a respectful and encouraging adult now at the age of 33.  After everything that has happened in his life, Arturo has proved his ability to overcome anything that may come in between him and his dreams.  At this point and time in his life, he doesn’t believe in self-pity, and continues to learn from every situation he is put in.  He is rather tall and muscular, averaging in at about 6 feet and 2 inches, and weighing around 185 pounds.  Although having a full beard, Arturo is experiencing some premature thinning of hair on the top of his head.   

After attending college at New York University and earning a degree in non-profit studies, Arturo decided to permanently reside in New York.  He felt that the city would give him the best opportunity for his career to take off.  After two hard years of waiting tables at a little Italian restaurant right down the street from his apartment complex and living paycheck to paycheck, Arturo finally got the break he was looking for.  He was hired at Take a Walk in Our Shoes, a company that travels all around the United States advocating for gay rights.  Arturo realized that this career path was meant for him when he started a gay-straight alliance at his school in the 8th grade.  Although he doesn’t make much money, he is financially stable and able to support his lifestyle in New York.

Arturo has managed to survive the harsh world as a migrant gay man, and have learned to forget what other people think of him.  With his strong and confident attitude, Arturo has found a partner, Blake.  Blake is a year younger than Arturo, but the two have hit it off.  Blake has taken the correct steps needed in learning sign language to better communicate with Arturo.  They have been seeing each other for quite some time now after meeting in the local coffee shop.  Arturo and Blake get along great, and both want the same things in life.  They both would like to get married someday, but are aware of the limitations placed on them and their relationship.  Tina is happy for Arturo and the man he has become, but Joel on the other hand is still having a hard time adjusting to Arturo’s career path and relationship.

Arturo’s hearing impairment has been the only thing holding him back from reaching his full potential.  He is developing at a normal rate with all areas of development except for his speech and hearing.  Arturo attempted again to get another cochlear implant, but was still rejected because of the problems found with his specific aural anatomy.  Because of his hearing impairment, Arturo does have slight difficulties with his speech.  However, Arturo has learned to cope with his impairment and has gladly accepted the hearing impaired community.  He isn’t afraid of his disability, but in fact sees it as a gift.  Others can talk with their mouths, but he gets the ability to talk with his hands!  

1) On average, how much does it cost to reside in the state of New York?

2) What are the limitations for gay marriage in the United States? What states allow this unity? What are the limitations for a divorce between gay couples?

3) How much money does the average student possess right after graduating college?

4) What are some famous public organizations that advocate for gay rights in the United States?

5) What are the typical developmental milestones (social, cognitive, physical) for a man in his early thirties?


  1. 1.New York City is one of the most expensive cities to live in. Mercer Resource Consulting ranked as the 12th most expensive city in the world. Based on a US average at an index of 100.0, the overall cost of living in New York is 189.1. Housing is almost triple the national average at $314,000 for a house and $2,483.64 for one months rent of a two bedroom apartment. Utilities, including electricity and gas, are almost twice the national index at 179.9. Food and groceries come out to be about one and a half times the nation's index at 142.5. A simple cup of coffee with table service is $5.48, compared to Virginia where a cup of coffee on average is $1.10. Overall, New York City is two-times as expensive as any other city in the United States.
    2. Six state governments and the District of Columbia have passed laws offering same-sex marriage and currently offer same-sex marriages. These states include New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont and New Hampshire. In all six states, same-sex marriage has been legalized through either legislation or court ruling. There is no state residency requirement to marry someone of the same sex in these six states and D.C. This means that couples who live outside of those states can just pop in for a day to get married and then go home. The limitations for divorce in the United States between gay couples is quite complicated. Some states that do not allow same-sex marriages to be performed also do not grant divorces for same-sex marriages that occurred outside of the state's borders. Susan Sommer, director of constitutional litigation at Lambda Legao, stated “ To satisfy the residency requirements, under these circumstances, you'd have to live in a state for at least six months in order to get a divorce from a same-sex partner.”

  2. 3.There really is no average number for this. Numbers can be as low as having 0 dollars, or as high as 20,000 dollars. It all depends on what the student did with their money throughout college, and whether that student had a sense of income during college. The average 23 year old has $0-$1,000 with 5 figures of debt in the bank.
    4. The Human Rights Campaign is the most famous gay rights organization in America (Humnan Rights Campaign, 2012). They have organizations that cater to all forms of life for supporters of gay rights (Human Rights Campaign, 2012).
    5. Physical development of middle adults include a loss of strength, loss of vision sharpness, and loss of coordination (Nevid & Rathus, 2005). The cognitive developments during middle adulthood include an average memory loss and a reduced ability to perform tasks requiring speed (Nevid & Rathus, 2005). Socially, a middle aged adult is typically synonymous with a ‘mid life crisis’ which causes many to reevaluate their life goals and accomplishments, which spur positive and negative changes (Nevid & Rathus, 2005).

  3. References:
    Davidson, A. (2012, March 20). The new york times magazine. Retrieved from

    Human Rights Campaign. (2012). Retrieved from

    landau, E. (7 Ju). Cnn. Retrieved from
    Jennifer. (n.d.). The average net worth of americans: Where do you stand?. Retrieved from
    Nevid, J. S., & Rathus, S. A. (2005). Psychology and the challenges of life: Adjustment in the new millennium (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
